We Did It

Testimonials Testimonials We Did It My husband and I got married deeply in love. As I turned 30, we decided it was time to have a child. However, after a year of trying without success, we realized something wasn’t right and consulted a doctor. When the doctor explained that my ovaries were weak and this […]

We Are So Happy

Testimonials Testimonials We Are So Happy In the second year of our marriage, we decided to have a child. We tried for about six months, but when I didn’t conceive, we consulted a doctor. The OB-GYN recommended a hysterosalpingography (HSG) test, which revealed a significant issue with my uterus. The scan showed a septum dividing […]

Thank You, Kolan British IVF Family

Testimonials Testimonials Thank You, Kolan British IVF Family We began our IVF journey because my husband had no sperm. However, on the day my eggs were to be retrieved, no sperm was found, and my treatment came to an abrupt halt. It’s impossible to put into words the heartbreak I felt that day—may no one […]

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