

Embryoscope is a type of incubator (a device designed to mimic the inner environment of the mother’s uterus for the development of the embryo) it allows the continuous monitoring of embryos without removal to the external environment until the transfer period.

The fertilised egg is placed in special compartments in which the optimal conditions for gas and temperature are provided within the embryoscope. Photographs of the embryo are taken at certain intervals with special cameras inside the device, recorded 7/24. The data is processed by a computer connected to the device. In this way, the detailed information about the development of the embryo is followed from the device, and the embryonic embryos most suitable for a transfer are selected and placed in the mother’s womb and high pregnancy rates are obtained.

In order to evaluate fertilisation and the embryo division under normal conditions, embryos need to be removed from the incubators for a short time and then placed under a microscope and placed back into the incubators again. An embryoscope system has been developed in order to prevent this short environment change and external environment from being negative for embryos and to have detailed information about embryo development. In this way, higher pregnancy rates are targeted. With the embryooscope;


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