Fetal Reduction

Fetal Reduction

Reduction means to reduce, and fetal reduction means reducing the number of infants within the uterus when multiple pregnancies occur.

Pregnancies with two or more infants are called multiple pregnancies. The uterus is physiologically capable of carrying 1 or 2 infants (it is not possible to carry two infants in some congenital uterine anomalies). By the word Taş Carry Taş, we mean imes in time (miad) birth imes. Normal pregnancy is 40 weeks and births of 37 weeks and over are called births.

Births under 37 weeks of gestation are deemed as a premature birth (Early birth) and births below 32 weeks are termed excessive premature birth.

As the number of infants in the mother’s womb increases, the risk of premature birth also increases. 

Multiple pregnancy rates increase in IVF treatments. Fetal pregnancies are presented to the family and the necessary information is provided in order to prevent any health problems that may occur in the pregnancies, the health of the mothers can be affected and premature births in triple or more multiple pregnancies. 

The risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, anaemia, or excessive bleeding in the maternal pregnancies increases in preterm pregnancies.

What is the ideal time interval for fetal reduction and how is the procedure performed?

In the early period of pregnancy, the reduction process is less likely to cause harm to the infant or babies left behind. Pregnancy week (especially 11-12 weeks) is preferred to perform the procedure. A drug is Injected (potassium chloride) into the heart of the targeted fetus or fetuses with the help of a thin needle accompanied by ultrasound.

Once it is observed that the heartbeat stops with the ultrasound, the procedure is then finished.

When deciding which baby’s heart to stop, certain criterias are taken into consideration (number of placentas, baby’s location, fetal growth rate, easy accessibility, baby’s nuchal translucency).

After the process, the body eliminates the dead baby; it is not removed out of the womb etc. The rate of affecting the remaining babies is very low and if a problem occurs, it is usually seen within two weeks after the procedure.


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